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Get Involved

Whether you want to play for fun, fitness or at a competitive level, Hartshill Strollers has a session for you. If you’re ready to give Walking Football a try, please contact us to arrange a free taster session. You won’t be disappointed, and a warm welcome is guaranteed.

Training Nights

Members are respectfully asked to arrive for training sessions 10 minutes prior to stated start times so coaches can organise teams and no time is wasted.


Tuesday: 5pm till 6pm:
This session is for those who are recovering from or are living with health issues such as Parkinsons, MS, diabetes, strokes etc. It is also ideal for anyone who may be recovering from an injury and would prefer a game at a safer and slower pace.

The aim is to get fitter, healthier, improve mental health and make new friends. The social element and peer support is an important part of Healthwise. You can guaranteed to be looked after and made to feel welcome.

Men’s Squad Training

Wednesday: 7pm till 8pm
This session is for squad members who participate in the league. The pace will be fast and you can expect it to be competitive. 

Non-Squad Training

Thursdays: 7pm till 8pm & Sundays: 10am till 11am
These are mixed sessions for people of all abilities to come along and boost your fitness playing a fun sport. Whether you have played at the highest levels or if you’re a complete novice, you will be made to feel welcome.

Women's League Squad Training

Thursday: 8pm till 9pm: 8pm till 9pm
A coached session for women aged 35+ who wish to play competitively within the Birmingham County FA League.  

Women's Recreational Training

Sunday: 12pm till 1.30pm
A coached session for women who simply wish to play for fun and fitness.