On and off the pitch members must:
- Show respect to everyone involved in the game.
- Follow the rules and celebrate the spirit of the game.
- Encourage fair play and high standards of behaviour.
- Adhere to the rules of all facilities whether home or away, treat them with respect.
- Respect the referee and encourage players to do the same.
- Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting, or abusive behaviour.
- Be aware of the impact of bad language on others.
- Be gracious in victory and defeat.
- This extends to all forms of social media and chat groups offered by the club.
When working with players, I will:
- Place the well-being, safety, and enjoyment of each player above everything else.
- Never tolerate any form of bullying.
- Ensure all activities are suitable for the players ability, age and maturity.
- Co-operate with others (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists) in each player’s best interests.
I understand that if I do not follow the code of conduct, any of the following actions may be taken:
- Be issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official.
- Be required to meet with the club’s committee, club or league welfare officer.
- Be suspended by the club from attending matches or training sessions.
- Be Suspended or fined by the County FA
- Have my club membership removed and be asked to leave.